Sunday, March 13, 2011

Powder (1995)

1 Human Defibrillators our of 5.

This is what this blog was created for!!! A sounding board for absolutely terrible movies we could have done without, but are kind of fun to rip on.  This movie was an "epic failure" as they say nowadays and an overall great big heaping piece of shit!  This may be one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life.

I started this movie mildly excited.  I am a sucker for stories about ridiculously smart and high IQs...great stuff.  I quickly learned this movie took this concept to the extreme and proceeded to butcher that sometimes overdone story line into pieces.

First off, the kids in Powders foster home were a little too hard on was fake as hell.  Real life kids aren't that mean.  The director obviously never experienced bullies in real life...bullies don't act this way!! Yes Mr. Director, I'm calling you out.

This freaking kid quickly goes from "he's very smart" to "healing people".  Come on.  Let's cut out the fantasy stuff for a second, my God.  At the same time the movie tries to get all emotional and tries to tackle the concept of acceptance, feeling of belonging, etc.  FAILURE.  A 10 year old could have done a better job.  Not the mention this guy Powder is the creepiest dude ever.  He's borderline homosexual which is not a problem but he's so sexually awkward about it that it's creepy as hell, something that makes no sense to me because that part of the story is never tied up.  I looked up the director on wikipedia after watching the movie, he is a sex offender....makes sense.

You have to see this movie to believe what a complete piece of crap it is.  My thrashing is not giving this movie a fair description, words can't describe this garbage.  The movie title should be changed from "Powder" to "Predictability".  No story line twists and turns were surprises at all.  Oh wait! There was one surprise! The ending was worse than I could have ever expected.  In a complete cop out move the director just completely ends the movie in a 2 minute scene where you are left saying to yourself "is that really the end of the movie??!??!?!".  I literally checked the main menu of the DVD and the length of the movie on the internet to make sure I didn't have a bad copy, unfortunately, my copy was fine.  If the movie ever had a chance of being 1.5 out of 5 because its cool to have an albino in your movie, the ending solidified its place in it's history as ONE OF THE WORST MOVIES OF ALL TIME.

Watch this movie if you want to laugh at a bad movie.


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