Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rabbit Hole

4.5 memories of your dead son out of 5

I know that was horrible. But this movie was so good and so heavy and so serious that I felt we needed a little levity.

Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart play an unreasonably good-looking and physically fit couple in their 40s. At the beginning of the movie, we know they`ve lost their son due to reasons extrapolated upon later. The movie is basically about how the two parents deal with the loss in different ways 8 months after their 4-year-old`s death.

They spend a bit of time in group therapy, smoke a little pot, do the almost-cheat and even befriend their child`s killer; all in the hope that each new activity will give them closure and the ability to move on. No one moves on though, until the end of the movie. But even then, it`s done in a very Lost Series Finale sort of way so you can decide how you feel about that.

Now I`m not one to be easily moved. I`d be hard-pressed to name 5 movies which really made me empathetic. That being said, this movie was pretty moving. A moving movie, if you`d prefer. In particular, there`s a great yelling scene between the parents where all the boiling anger for each other and guilt that they`ve been trying to WASPily hide for 8 months comes bursting out and we get to finally see why Aaron Eckhart makes money.

Eckhart, in my opinion, has never really stood out as an actor before. He`s handsome, built, tan, blonde and has a ridiculously square jaw that looks unfortunately large in this movie paired with his wierd "I`m suburban" haircut. But from out of nowhere came this really universal character and loveable husband that worked so well in this movie. Nicole Kidman is deep and beautiful and fragile and strong and tidy as usual. I was not surprised by her. I`ve just come to expect a certain level of acting from her. She delivers. OK. I think what we`re all waiting for now is for her to really fuck something up again like Moulin Rouge, Australia or Nine. Honestly, when Kidman is paired with a decent and thoughtful director who pushes her to do normal, human shit, she really pulls through and gives a great performance. But when she gets together with her buddy Baz, shit hits the fan and they get all "Australian" and start doing things they shouldn`t. If you want to see a good Australian movie, you should watch Animal Kingdom. If you want to see a good drama that will probably make someone in the room cry at least twice and someone else hold your hand meaningfully while giving you a teary-yet-knowing glance, then watch this movie.

- B

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