Friday, March 11, 2011

Beowulf (2007)

Beowulf Trailer

2 Animated Boob Shots out of 5

This movie embodies the often used " was alright" snap shot review by your every day movie goer and amateur critic (not me).

I'm really tempted to go completely off the reservation here on this movie.  There are two things though that stop me from delivering the ultimate verbal thrashing this movie probably deserves, they are: 1. Well done computer animation/graphics, whatever you call it and 2. It's a classic story that is taught and forgotten to every student in this country that has gone to high school.

I'll admit, there were a few moments where I was a bit interested in watching this movie, mainly because of the graphics and effects, but overall I couldn't wait for this shit movie to be over.  Making these computer animated people look like real movie stars just seems stupid to me.  I am also typically against any fantasy non-sense. ordinary (or not so ordinary) man has sex with some half mermaid half Angelina Jolie character and gives birth to a Dragon??!??!?!?!! I know its the original story but come on.  How stupid.  The audience is no longer uninformed Nordic Vikings, we are a bit smarter now...

This movie is a decent watch if you're mildly interested in seeing some cool computer graphics and have it NOT be completely for kids like Pixar Movies and AVATAR (Yes I'm including AVATAR!!!!!!!).  Otherwise, watch something else.


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