Sunday, February 6, 2011

King's Speech, The (2010)

4.5 S S S Stammers out of 5

Best Picture Nominee AND based on a true story (my soft spot).  I had to see this movie because the official question for January 2010 was "Have you seen the King's Speech?"  I got tired of saying no, so I overpaid and saw this movie in theatres.

This movie is GREAT and gets a rating of 4.5, but I must admit that I am a bit disappointed.  People had hyped this movie so much so that I thought I would be walking out of the theater with my jaw dragging behind me.  Not even close.  Was it a great movie? Yes.  That's where my quick and dirty summary would end though, there is NO NEED for people to be fainting at the mere mention of the movie's title like people are presently doing.  People lets get over it! We've been acting like we've been forced to watch Renne Zelwiger and River Pheonix movies for the last 10 years! We know better!

Again, let me clarify, GREAT movie.  But because people have decided to horribly over-rate this movie, I have to knock it down to its rightful place in movie history.

Colin Firth performance may be one of the best in history though. I will always hold on a high pedestal an actor that can CONVINCINGLY play a person that is insane, has a stammer, mentally retarded, etc.  Playing one of these physical disabilities commands the upmost respect.  This guy's performance gets a 5 out of 5.


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