Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prime Gig, The (2000)

3 Vaughns out of 5.

Pretty good movie. I actually thought this was going to be a comedy (and maybe it was?) but am pleasantly suprised. Halfway into the movie I said to myself, "Wow, Vince Vaughn is doing a movie that isnt supposed to be funny, no wonder it really sucks." However, as the movie went on, I must admit I found myself somewhat interested how this movie will progress and what will happen to his character. Turns out this was your typical "con man gets conned" movie. I still enjoyed it though. The only real noteworthy moment of this movie is the last minute of it. I expected (and maybe Hollywood conditioned me to think this way) Vince Vaughn to do something DRASTIC upon realizing he had been conned. Suicide? Walk in front of a car? Stab himself in the neck? The end of the movie was very docile and at any moment I awaited this climactic moment to pop out and startle me, bringing the movie to a close. Instead...he just walks off...seemingly taking the lesson learned and maybe, just maybe, changing his way of life. Either way couldn't say I cared much, it was a new way to end a movie I felt like I've seen before, and I was glad the movie was over.


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