Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Expendables (2010)


3 bulging bicep veins out of 5.

Man do I love, and I mean LOVE, Sylvester Stallone. You gotta respect the guy who did Rocky, Rocky 2, Rocky 3, Rocky 4, Rocky 5, Rocky 3D, Rocky Revisited, Rocky 0 The Prequel, Rocky Goes to Africa, Animated Rocky, Rocky Vs. Jason, Rocky Vs. Aliens, Rocky Chainsaw Massacre, etc....and for that, the guy will forever have a special place in my heart.

I will be the first to admit, this movie had terrible acting, terrible story, a predictable story, a story with a ton of loopholes, story lines that were introduced and never resolved, scenes that didn't seem to really matter, totally unrealistic scenes, etc. Man was it a fucking mess! BUT IT ALL DOESN'T MATTER. Sly is the MAN!!!

Excluding The Rock aka Dwayne Johnston, this movie had all the guys in Hollywood that are currently jacked out of their minds. This movie was non-stop kick ass action, blood, and guts. I'll watch Stallone kick ass all over the world over and over and over.

I don't even remember what this movie was about, but again...DOESN'T MATTER.

If you are a guy, you must watch this movie. Very entertaining.

I can imagine what Bill Reilly was saying during this movie.... "ewww its too violent" .... "like OMG the story line is so weak" ... "does anyone else see how much Botox Rocky has gotten???????" HAHAHAHA.
- Gerard

1 comment:

  1. Addendum: In the theatre, I did in fact lean over to Shinichi several times to comment on how strained Sly`s biceps looked. However, I did not say anything about Botox or violence. I merely pointed out that Sly`s eyebrows were plucked just a little too perfectly. That`s all I`m saying.
