2 disappointments out of 5
I've been watching the Showtime series "Weeds" loyally ever since my college days. I used to watch every episode, on as much of the title sponsor as possible, every week with my friends on their awesome iO OnDemand cable service that I was too cheap to install in my own apartment but probably would have but didn't have a bong to sponsor such events. Now, I am a faithful torrenter and keep up the tradition despite living in the such a non-Weeds-friendly city as Osaka, Japan. Needless to say, I think Mary-Louise Parker is a phenomenal actress, having been one of the first prime-time actresses to really hold my attention in a dramatic, not just comedic, scene. Let's face it. As attractive as "Kate" is on Lost, watching her act is like hoping to see the monkey touch itself at the zoo. It happens, but only once in a while and when you're not looking. So, I was thrilled when I saw her in the trailer for this movie and I hate to say, actually secretly love it though, that she sucked thoroughly in this movie.
I now understand Gerard's feeling when he watched Kevin Spacey several movies ago and how painful it is to watch someone, who you know can do so much better, slum. It's just a very saddening day, I must say.
On Weeds, Parker is charismatic, full of life, clever but not annoying Brooklyn hipster clever, intriguing and constantly inciting curiosity. Helen Mirren, another respectable actress, didn't dip as low as Parker, however, on the respect-ograph. Her character was fun; a charmingly interesting dichotomy which was greatly helped by her classy, in my Jersey opinion, accent but was despite all those characteristics, static. Very similar to Lucy Liu's Mafia Boss character, Oo Ren Ishi Ii in Kill Bill. Fun to watch, but no spin-off capability.
Bruce Willis, as always, was a dead fish. I'm so tired of him. Isn't there a stipulation somewhere in Hollywood that just bypasses Bruce Willis in every contract negotiation and automatically forwards all his offers to Jason Statham? We get the exact same package PLUS a cool accent and better eye candy. Let's get this done, people.
The person who saved the movie for me was John Malkovich. He was so much fun to watch, always kept me guessing and seemed a little unscripted sometimes which didn't hurt at all. I'd like to see John Malkovich and Christopher Waltz (Inglorious Basterds) in a period piece together. I think that would be FANTASTIC. A bit of an overkill, perhaps, but FANTASTIC. I was too young for John Malkovich when he came on to the scene some time back and didn't fully appreciate him until this movie. So for that, Bruce Willis, I say, "Thank you." But for this movie and your annoying appearance where you did nothing in The Expendables, Bruce Willis, I say "Happy Retirement".
The person who saved the movie for me was John Malkovich. He was so much fun to watch, always kept me guessing and seemed a little unscripted sometimes which didn't hurt at all. I'd like to see John Malkovich and Christopher Waltz (Inglorious Basterds) in a period piece together. I think that would be FANTASTIC. A bit of an overkill, perhaps, but FANTASTIC. I was too young for John Malkovich when he came on to the scene some time back and didn't fully appreciate him until this movie. So for that, Bruce Willis, I say, "Thank you." But for this movie and your annoying appearance where you did nothing in The Expendables, Bruce Willis, I say "Happy Retirement".
- B